EDYC Race Management docs for 2022
Race Management documentation for 2022 season EDYC The 2022 race information is now loaded into the club web site downloads page. There are five major documents listed below. The NoR (Notice of Race) has stayed as V1. The SIs (Sailing Instructions) have moved to V2 – use of X flag rather than AP within the […]
Developing the EDYC 2022 season Training Plan
Training at EDYC in 2022 updated Jan 22 Training will be an essential and fundamental element of our 2022 season. In ideal circumstances our club could undertake a training needs analysis and database the results. Thus we can manage appropriate courses, however we operate on a simpler level. We seek an indication of your training […]
Leisure 17 a class at EDYC Sept 21
The Leisure 17 class at EDYC is one of the strongest and most popular classes in our club with a recent expansion surge. The class is to be supported by keel boat training. To this end the club has its own Leisure 17 called Minstrel moored close to the end of the slipway. Training has […]
Youth Training returns 4/5/6 June 21
EDYC RYA Seamanship skills – 2 day course £60 Aim: improving technical sailing ability. The emphasis was on increasing self-reliance and decision-making by spending time developing boat handling and manoeuvring skills in a seamanlike manner. Key learning points: coming alongside, man overboard and reefing afloat. Sailing challenges in: adverse conditions Without a rudder Without a […]
Training and Training Week EDYC
EDYC Race season starting steps May 21
First club events – a soft start to the race season. Start sequence rehearsal for racers and ROs Sat 15th May – Roy is taking this session as Principal RO on the Committee Boat Wed 19th May – another RO gets us away First start as per our normal race timings. We plan four starts […]
Changes from the Racing Rules of Sailing applied at EDYC in 2021
The RRS Racing Rules of Sailing are essential and will be updated at the year end and will cascade into use at EDYC.
EDYC Training Summer 2020
In the unprecidented circumstances we are all experiencing, EDYC is offering sail training this summer 2020. The club requires indications of what training will be taken up and hence what training to offer. In collecting this information we are enlisting survey monkey to structure a small questionnaire, which can be rapidly analysed in bulk and […]
EDYC Sail Training Summer 20
Sail Training at EDYC in the summer of 2020 will be taking a different format, which is being developed and planned to meet all RYA and Govt Covid-19 requirements., thus it is in an advancing state. We know there is demand there and that we have instructors willing to provide the training. This year we […]
Covid-19 & EDYC early season (17 March 20)
Fellow members, Given the concerns and recent development of Coronavirus (COVID-19), EDYC would reassure you that we are taking steps to protect the Club and its members and visitors. The Executive have decided to postpone all club hosted events and courses scheduled to be held in March & April. Please accept that other measures may become necessary, […]