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  • L17 & Small Boats of EDYC Winter classroom training March25

    L17 & Small Boats of EDYC Winter classroom training  Tuesday 18th March 2025, 7:30pm – 9:30pm Subject: Rigging and sail trim The crew and helms of the L17s, and other small boats of EDYC gathered and enjoyed a good catch up, sharing winter tales and excited plans for the season

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  • An outboard on-shore course 22Mar25

    Outboard engine introduction, operation and maintenance. A short two-hour introductory course on outboard use and maintenance is to be held on 22 March at the club shed. Applications to attend at a cost of £10 are invited from those with any small outboard including some registered outboards kept at the

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  • Multiclass Dinghy Racing Event – two day – 24/25 May 25 hosted at EDYC

    EDYC is to hold a Multiclass Dinghy Racing Event over the two day weekend of 24/25 May 25 at our club on Strangford Lough, near Killyleagh. EDYC would like to warmly invite dinghy sailors of all classes and ages to a weekend of racing on the beautiful waters of Strangford

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  • EDYC Leisure 17 Big Weekend 3rd, 4th May 2025.

    Two days of Leisure 17 sailing, across the Bank Holiday weekend , 3rd and 4th of May 2025. Day 1 ‘racing around the cans’ and day 2 taking the form of a pursuit race stretching across the beauty of Strangford Lough. For sailors of all abilities, a weekend at EDYC

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  • Icicle Laser Duel 8Feb25

    The last race (race 11) of the Icicle series involved an Icicle Laser Duel (on 8Feb25). Two lasers tactically fought for first place. This is a record of the race in terms of what was data logged. Both Lasers were equipped with a tracking device and a tide buoy was

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