OPENING DAY and nautical quiz night!

OPENING DAY and nautical quiz night ! with our own Quizmaster Trevor

The quiz commences at 7.30pm  Saturday 29th April

All members and their guests welcome.

Alfie will be serving bar snacks after sailing and meals from 6.30pm.

£5 contribution per team to the RNLI.

Normal series club racing will be held on the water in the afternoon as per the new Sailing Instructions, available in the handbook and on this web site.

Spot the changes – means you will notice Cruiser I and Cruiser II start at the same time on Saturdays only.

It is up to the Race Officer what course and laps they sail. This will be shown by signals on the committee vessel.

Could be the same course different numbers of laps or several other solutions.

For those rusty on the sailing rules – the following may assist.

The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) govern the sport of sailing on the water.

They are revised and published every four years by World Sailing. The current edition is The Racing Rules of Sailing 2017 – 2020. It is available from

Especially useful is the Study Version which has been published which explains the changes and new rules. This is available from this link[13380].pdf


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