EDYC wants to run a Formal RYA Safety Boat Course (takes two days) and now requests candidates expressions of interest.
We need a response of at least six potential candidates for the course.
Briefly course content – Preparation, boat handling, dinghy rescue, windsurfer rescue, kayak or canoe rescue (can be covered as theory), towing, end-of-day procedures, safety, suitability of craft, local factors, communication, rescuing other water users.
Further details of the course content are freely available on the internet and can be requested via an email contact as below.
Note to enter the Safety Boat course – An RYA Powerboat Level 2 Powerboat Handling certificate must be held prior to this course and this should be presented on the first morning (or electronically beforehand). A VHF qualification and a First Aid qualification are also strongly recommended. Please read up on the RYA WEB site, if you have general queries.
Should you wish to avail of this training please email secretary@edyc.co.uk, or phone or contact David Maxwell, indicating you seek to do the course.
The Safety Boat two day course costs £150 (members)/£200 (outsiders to include temporary membership).
Dates selected are 23/24 March 2019, pre- season.
Pease email secretary@edyc.co.uk or phone or contact David Maxwell to get on the interest list.
Places will not be allocated only on a first come basis, selection will be assisted by simple questions such as:-
Do you need this course to assist with other RYA qualifications?
Have you volunteered last year to assist your club – if so in what way?
Will you do two major safety boat driving sessions in the incoming year – such as a regatta or competition?
Recommended Reading
RYA Safety Boat Handbook (G16) – this will be supplied to candidates at/or before the course.
RYA Powerboat Logbook (G20) – you may have one of these