Sailing Instructions for 2020 – change discussion
Suggested a new cruiser class – Restricted Sail (RS)
This class will start with CII and will not use spinnakers.
Mid- fleet prizes to be discontinued. This reflects that the fleets are small in number and mid fleet may be re-introduced if fleet numbers rise.
Racing prizes will mirror what is easily output by Hal sail software.
A cut-off time will be re-introduced to assist race officers by taking the decision off them as to when classes should return to moorings or slipway. This is also to increase safety in the evenings.
September Wednesday races will start half an hour earlier.
Other Sailing Committee news – Calendar
Youth RIB – Friday evenings in March and April 2020
May & June Fridays – Viking Training
Training Week first week in July 2020
? Second Training week – Race Training
Two Series ES and LS (as well as EW and LW)
LS to have youth starts in dorn – Sat starts for youth in Dorn
Class captains/spokespersons are to be sought
Corded chocks are to be used on the slip instead of concrete blocks.
First 2020 sailing meet on 13 Jan 2020 – new members welcome