A comprehensive first aid course along the RYA syllabus was delivered at EDYC covering all the necessary effective emergency treatment of a casualty before transfer to professional help. With special attention given to boat, club and water related scenarios.
It covered the use of a defibrillator(AED) such as the one at the club house door and other scenarios which may be encountered in our club situation.
In relation to accident scenarios – it was discovered that some members of EDYC have serious acting skill which they highlighted within the many practical and hands on interventions which were needed within the course.
All passed, meaning we now have a good bunch of recently trained First Aid volunteers. Congratulations and thanks to all twelve who attended – we wish them well with not too much First Aid work.

As the screen says – if it doesn’t work repeat back blows and abdominal thrusts.
Many thanks to the course presenter for a high standard, well received, excellent course.