Due to Covid-19 reasons explained elsewhere – this Youth Powerboat Training is CANCELLED.
Fri 20 March 2020 Fri 27 March 2020 Fri 3 April 2020 Fri 10 April 2020 Fri 17 April 2020 Fri 24 April 2020 Sunday 3 May 2020 competition.
Times – evenings 18:30 to 20:30
We will anticipate a spread of ages, with 8 to 12 and 12 to 16 being the competition bands and also a spread of previous experience and ability. Thus sessions will be run which attract and encompass a spread of youth. Advanced knowledge and skills will be available to challenge all to learn. We will be using up to four powerboats. Subject to demand we may expand to accommodate other older age ranges.
Fees are set at £6 a session – pay in advance £36. (Competition free and optional)
Discounts for more than one family member as per youth week.
The programme is preparation for the RYA Level I and II Powerboat qualifications plus some coaching as to the skills for a competition course designed and organised by EDYC.
The first two evenings will be clubhouse and RIB shed based, due to light requirements. There is significant content which can be covered thus – safety, clothing, essential First Aid, boat, equipment, chartwork and navigation.
Application forms must be completed and submitted with payment. These are mandatory, requiring parent/guardian signatures. Club membership very strongly preferred.
Parents are strongly encouraged to be active with the course, to assist and learn in various ways.
Further contact and information through contact with the club via edycsec@gmail.com
And or EDYC Sailing Committee plus Power Boat Instructors – 11 March 2020
This is part of the Maroon Stars initiative – more information on this site.