Hoping this finds you all in good health.
It’s that time of year when we sit back and take stock of what’s just passed and what’s on the horizon for the coming year at EDYC.
Looking back on what has been a difficult year, we can also pluck a few positives, without mentioning COVID too much.
Lots of things had to change around the club and the executive had to adapt to the new norm of Zoom meetings. Not half as much fun as the real thing, but we managed to keep the club running smoothly despite the obvious problems.
The AGM Zoom meeting went without a hitch and thanks go out to Dawn, Alan and Gordon for this, although I think it’s safe to say we all missed the mulled wine, mince pies and a good get together.
We have a strong team gathered round us. I’ve listed the full executive committee below:
Commodore Stephen Dow
Vice Commodore Keith Carr
Hon Secretary Alan Wood
Hon Treasurer Peter Thompson
Rear Commodore Sailing Finbar Jennings
Sailing Captain David Maxwell
General Committee Graham Wright
John Dixon
Gordon Reid
Dawn Stocking
Full details of the AGM and other committee positions for the incoming year will be available soon.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome David Maxwell and Keith Carr on board. I would also like to thank John Millar, who is stepping down from the committee, for his input during this year.
We have a healthy new membership uptake this year already and I look forward to welcoming them all to the club in person, come the Spring of the year.
The first sailing event of the New Year is a Topper Traveller in March, current circumstances permitting. This should be a good chance for Topper enthusiasts to get onto the water prior to the World Championships in Cork, followed by the UK National Championships in Ballyholme, during the summer. We would kindly ask you for your support and assistance during this event. If you are able to volunteer to help at the event, it would be greatly appreciated.
In 2020 we managed to have a few events on the water. Socially distanced, of course. I know all was not lost to the Pandemic, due to the feedback from fellow members. Most notably would be the arrival of a few more Hunter Impalas. I think these yachts have found EDYC a pleasant place to overwinter and seem to be multiplying at a rate of knots, in the bay. Grant has bestowed me with some in-depth info on the season they have just had. Details are on the club website.
The club also entered the world of virtual regatas to try and feed the appetite of the racers amongst us. I think it helped slightly until lockdown was lifted, with Grant McCullough and Gordon Reid notably mentioned in dispatches, for their success on the keypad/water.
The club also has a flourishing canoe/kayak group of enthusiasts, with the Dorn proving the perfect place to launch from. Our retiring commodore Gordon Reid and his wife Rachel have shared with me the details of what seems to have been a voyage of epic proportions around Strangford Lough (21 Kms in total), on what looks like a very interesting rig set up, on an open canoe.
Club security has been a problem for not only EDYC, but all clubs on the Lough. The Executive Committee has taken steps to instal a new security system in the rib shed. Thanks to John Dixon who did most of the groundwork on this project. I am happy to report that the installation has been completed and our tech team are working diligently, programming the members’ card access system. More information to follow.
Finally, I would like to thank the Executive Committee and large body of volunteers in the club, whose hard work and enthusiasm we could not do without.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year
Stephen Dow
Commodore EDYC