The winter period is the time when hedging work can be accomplished – no leaves and no bird nests so we are trimming back the hedges near the canoe rack.
This means we have to shift all the canoes and the rack so adequate access can be made to the hedge side.
We have already shifted the dinghies. We wrote to members about this within the AGM notice saying –
It would be useful if you could take your canoes and kayaks home during this period, but failing that please make sure your boat is labelled with your name so that we can identify it.
Members are reminded that plastic canoes degrade in the sunlight and that fibreglass canoes weaken and absorb moisture if left with puddles in their hulls. Please refer to the club rules which say all equipment should be identified and insured.
We will be continuing to upgrade and enlarge the existing canoe racks in the Dinghy Park over the winter.
A boating outing is planned for the 27th Dec and this may have both formal and informal activities. More details to be available as arrangements crystalise.