EDYC Christmas Message 2021
Valued Members,
I hope this message finds you all in good health.
Put your feet up, take a pause from the Christmas preparations for a moment and reflect on what has been a very positive year at East Down Yacht Club.
Early season, it was clear that we would have to be a stoic bunch at the club for the second year in a row, and I would like to thank you all for your support and positivity.
We have had an increase in membership this season and hope for the same in 2022. It has been marvellous to see new boats and members around the club. Most notably, an increase in Impalas and Leisure 17s – I think we can now proudly boast two of the largest fleets in their class in Ireland.
Some of our social events made their way back onto the calendar this year: Regattas made a welcome return; Bob’s beer garden had a grand opening for the Drascombe event and was looking its best for our Regatta day. Over the winter months it has been improved upon even further, with the addition of an awning allowing us to prolong the period of time in which we can enjoy the club’s facilities, and providing a little bit of protection from the unpredictability of Northern Irish weather! We look forward to the grand reveal come Easter, which will hopefully include a prize giving BBQ.
The Sailing Committee and Executive have stayed strong, and continue to grow in numbers – the intention of setting up a new Social Committee Cruising Section, and improved communications are all on the agenda.
Thanks go to Finbar for his 3-year tenure as Rear Commodore Sailing, and a warm welcome to Liam Kelly who picks up the batton. A full list of committee members will be available online very soon. Special thanks also go to Graham Wright, who has kindly agreed to be a club trustee, following the sad passing of valued past commodore and founding club member, Frank Petticrew.
I now extend a particular word of thanks to all those who helped out both on and off the water this season. Lots goes on behind the scenes to help EDYC run smoothly. Volunteering is an essential part of club membership; EDYC is a self-help organisation, and without the strength of our community we could not operate successfully. So don’t be afraid to put your hand up and get involved whenever you can. If new members have a particular skill set, let it be known as this will help improve the services we provide at the club.
The events of the next early season are as follows:
- 27th December: Dinghy Sailors on the water; casual racing weather permitting,
- on the following Sunday’s Icicles Series from 12PM.
- 13th February: First Aid course TBC
- power boat training also offered at Easter
- any interest in a Marine VHF course ?
- Easter BBQ and prize giving, dates to be confirmed, subject to social distancing guidelines.
So, before we all get told to return to our Christmas bubbles, I’d like to raise a glass of a different kind of bubbles to all fellow members and absent friends.
Wishing you all a peaceful, safe and above all merry Christmas.
Stephen Dow
Commodore EDYC