Canoe rack Kayak rack EDYC 21 Jan 22
The extension has been completed to the canoe and kayak rack at the North end of the RIB shed.
This was to provide more space for members to store various craft which now include a few windsurfers and sit on tops.
Please note that the bays at the bottom of the rack are reserved for club dinghies.
Thus you will have to lift all other craft off the ground.
Please secure your craft against wind especially if light and/or on the top shelf.
For ease of dinghy park use remember- heavy dinghies stay shore side next the hedge, lighter dinghies in the middle row and the lightest dinghies middle to top row.
The dinghy park must also have a drive round roadway – so if your dinghy sticks out into this roadway then it is not well parked.
Many thanks to the volunteers who achieved this outcome, several of whom are in the photos.