A background level of competency is required within our sport and the following courses are one way to fulfil and certify these competencies.
RYA First Aid
RYA Power Boat Level II
RYA Safety Boat
Fees for the above courses for members are in the region of £100 for the First Aid – one day and £180 for each of the Power Boat courses – two day. You must hold PB LII to attend the Safety Boat course.
If you have worked as a voluntary instructor within the club – please advise us when contacting us as some fee reduction for instructors is being discussed.
Get on the circulation list now.– Please email gp14edyc@talktalk.net setting out your interest.
Safety Boat experience is being offered on 16/17 October at the Newtownards SC GP14 event. Should you be available to assist at this please also contact above.

Earlier posts on this site detail the courses and also the RYA web site may be of use.
Earlier Power and Safety boat info link
Earlier First Aid Link

Posted 12 Sept 22