East Down Yacht Club Impala Sonata Open Event – 27th/28th May 2023
Event detail – NoR / Sailing Instructions
The event will be a series of five races with three on Sat 27th first start at 11:00 and two on Sunday 28th first start at 11:00
A ferry service will be in operation at appropriate times. No support boats are permitted. VHF messages may be used by the RO.
Preference should be given to Impalas/Sonatas on this weekend for pontoon berthing – especially for visitors.
A Saturday BBQ meal is organised for the competitors and spectators – bookings essential – other members and visitors are welcome to book as well. Details in earlier post – link here
We are expecting over 34 people to attend this meal/BBQ after which there will be some music and the bar will be open.
Currently over 16 yachts are expected with about 10 being Impalas with the rest Sonatas.
We again express our thanks to our sponsor