Saturday April 20th 13:30-15:00 McRobert Room
Greetings EDYC Members – here is news of the EDYC Volunteer Information Workshop 20 Apr 24
On Sat April 20th we are holding an information workshop/afternoon at EDYC, where you can come and learn about the duties and rotas required to run fun, safe and fabulous sailing events at EDYC.
EDYC is run by volunteers. Without each of us helping out we would not have the fun or enjoyment, or fantastic racing we all enjoy.
Members of the Sailing Committee and experienced volunteers will be there to share knowledge of duties.
The purpose of the workshop is to give you the opportunity to put faces to names, and learn more about what is required to carry out each duty making the club work.
Duties include Race Officer, Rib driver, Chevy driver, Duty House Officer and bar duties.
Volunteers make EDYC the place it is. We are all learning. Every day is a school day
EDYC Volunteer Information Workshop 20 Apr 24 – the time and place to learn and interact with club about duties in the incomming season.
Note – by 20th April we hope to have completed RO Training by Zoom on two evenings (Wed 10 April, Wed 17 April – more detail later- calendar slots already indicated) , so the Saturday meet/workshop will not include the RO tasks in full detail. Sailing Committee will be happy to receive requests to influence the workshop content.