Our club needs trained and qualified power boat drivers and safety boat helms. They provide us with assistance at our dinghy events and other club activity, including regattas round the lough. The power boat qualifications involve experience and instruction in driving our RIBS and displacement craft, both wheel and tiller steering. They enable the candidate to have a confident approach to power boat handling in these club and other situations.
The club is to run both a Formal RYA Level II course and a Formal RYA Safety Boat course (each takes two days). We request expressions of interest – to be noted and to form a mailing and sounding out list as suitable dates and instructors are suggested. Please email gp14edyc@talktalk.net or phone or contact David Maxwell. Use the same contact if you want a short refresher, such as before your club duty session or just general update, refresher or specific task.
RYA Power Boat Level II course at EDYC August 24
To be delivered on Sundays 4 Aug and 18 Aug, two Sundays – either side of regatta
The member’s fee is £170 – we hope to fill the ourse with members.
We will take up to 9 candidates, offering a instructor and boat ratio of 1:3.
We will collect overspill names for the next course and will give priority to adult/family members active with youth dinghies for this course. Please email gp14edyc@talktalk.net or phone or contact David Maxwell.

The photos above illustrate the boats and the activity these qualifications assist with.
The Safety Boat course will be towards the end of summer, dates to suit instructors, boats and essentially candidates – likely one weekend or two Sundays.