Autumn Seasonal Work at EDYC Oct24

Autumn Seasonal Work at EDYC Oct24

Photos show mark U being recovered from a pladdy North of our club. Also a pic of a seal who we passed as we undertook the recovery.

Our club has over the years found good positions for racing marks within the lough. On occasions these marks go “walkabout” within the lough mostly. One of ours reached Ardglass Golf Club one year. Walkabout can be caused by many failures. We are always pleased to hear of any of our marks off position for recovery.

Volunteers recover our racing marks. This is a dangerous and a labour intensive task which may on occasion gain external assistance. A number of marks arrive on the pontoon from our diesel boats. The best next step is to wheel these to the boat shed when the tide is high thus avoiding a major slope on the walkway bridge.

Members have found time and muscle hence moving these. They used the two wheeled wheelbarrow, remembering not to drop the weight into the barrow as it would likely break the barrow floor. We keep the mark anchor weights and chain connected to the marks, meaning less to remember to tailor at season start. Many thanks to these workers.


Members and guests are reminded that at this time the club is a working boat yard and has several associated dangers and risks. Tractor operations, winch and winch wire use plus several trip hazards mean care and communication is essential. The yard is not the normal car park as it is in the summer. Please park with consideration, avoid blocking boat operations.

The slipway is used for a variety of water craft, kayaks, tenders and boat recoveries. Members find short unloading and loading slip visits are helpful. Please park away from the active areas. It is surprising what turning circle a yacht and tractor require. Crane use (for masts) may be associated with yachts coming out of the water and up the slip.

The slipway, as always, should be treated as SLIPPY.

The pic above shows about 20 paddlers from University of Ulster moving thro the dorn on a return to Killyleagh – just one of the unusual sights from around EDYC.

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