RYA First Aid Course hosted at EDYC 8 March 25

The club has organised an RYA First Aid Course to be held at the club on Saturday 8th March 25.

This is the most relevant First Aid course for our activities and should be well known to members, the course having been held frequently by the club – last one see – RYA First Aid Course hosted at EDYC 7 Jan 23 and several others with photos.

If you hold an RYA Instructors qualification you must also have a valid First Aid Certificate ( Valid for 3 years) hence a good proportion of candidates are expected to be returners/refreshers/re-validating. We will accept fresh candidates, however preference wil be given to Instructing members and then members. We may be able to take a very few external candidates if spaces permit.

If you are interested please email gp14edyc@talktalk.net and you will be placed on a list of interested people and should be contacted to advance your application.

Further details of the course content is available from the RYA web site First Aid.

In brief it will be a one day course on Sat 8 March costing £100 for members and £120 for non-members.

Any questions and to express interest drop an email to gp14edyc@talktalk.net. Entries will be handled via our bookings system on this web site and more info will be made available near the commencement.

Don’t be surprised and confused if you have to access our defibrillator, locate our First Aid kits and administer early First Aid plus be aware of our site what three words, and access arrangements.

Our – EDYC ACTION PLAN for EMERGENCIES AFLOAT v12 of Oct-24.pdf  link to pdf is a one page guide revised Oct24 after telephone changes.

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