EDYC CLEAN UP DAY Sat 22 April 2017 from 09:30

Let’s get the Club ready for the new season ……………….


Saturday  22  April  2017

from 9.30am


FREE Lunch with Soup and Sandwiches will be served from the Holm Bay Bar ( for workers only).

A list of jobs will be prepared in advance, such as internally some ladder work cleaning, externally dinghy area and concrete tidy and cleaning. Please bring you own gloves and any dinghy park hedge/grass trimming/cutting, yard brush and gardening equipment you expect will be needed.

The format will be – report for tasks, tasks assigned – attend to tasks. Have lunch, retire in the afternoon as your energy saps.

If you have other commitments –  your tasks will be tailored to release you when you want.

No-one will be working after 16:00 and many will be released after lunch.

Remember we use contractors for the bulk work – hence it is the small jobs are the ones which need attention.