EDYC October training and courses 2019
The sailing committee have organised October training on a participant lead basis.
What is on offer is
- Adult Dinghy Training 13:30 Sundays at EDYC
- Support boat Experience & Training 12:30 Sundays at EDYC/KYC
- Level II power boat Test Sat 26th October
- Level II Power Boat course Sat & Sun 2nd / 3rd Nov
More details
The adult dinghy training will be EDYC based following our normal pattern lead by our RYA instructors and there is no charge for members.
Support boat experience will be powerboat coaching and experience at a practical level as we support a handful of dinghies who travel and compete at the KYC Die Hard Dinghy events on Sundays at KYC. Thus normal support procedures will be introduced and power boat handling associated with these tasks. There is no charge for members
The Level II Powerboat test is one way to achieve an ICC and progress into higher level qualifications including Safety Boat driver. We are to offer a direct entry test – only to those suitably experienced, for example having about two seasons driving or owning their own boat. Contact us for more details if you fit this profile.
The Level II powerboat course on the first weekend in November is the full two day course to achieve this qualification and will include the test. Course fees are £200 for non members and £150 for members.
All the above is subject to weather, instructor availability and participant levels – so let us know of your interests as soon as possible, in the main by turning up – however for the powerboat Level II please email David or Malcolm.
The Members Lunch on Sunday 20th October will clash with this activity and we encourage all to attend the lunch, however may need to have some room for individuals preferences.