EDYC RYA Seamanship skills – 2 day course £60 Aim: improving technical sailing ability.
The emphasis was on increasing self-reliance and decision-making by spending time developing boat handling and manoeuvring skills in a seamanlike manner.
Key learning points: coming alongside, man overboard and reefing afloat.
Sailing challenges in:
- adverse conditions
- Without a rudder
- Without a centreboard
- Anchoring
- Sailing backwards
- Reefing afloat
- Road trailering
The pictures below show some of the activity when the dinghies were relatively stationary and without rain. Due to covid we were operating reduced crew often helm only coach and safety boats, hence camera work was a challenge.
Well done to all those who attended the course , all received their level IV qualification and may go on to become assistant instructors.

Some of the youth dinghies also managed to compete in the club Sat afternoon dinghy races.