Club conference on race involvement 13 & 14 April 22
The club will run two (almost identical) zoom conferences to assist members with the details required to race and to assist run races. The conference is to help all to understand how we at EDYC organise and run our club races throughout the season. The small changes made from last year will be highlighted and the whole system will be outlined with opportunities to ask questions and to interact with the presenter. The dates will be Wed 13th April and Thur 14th April at 19:30 on Zoom.
Attendance detail
Zoom numbers and links will be sent to any member requesting them – please email to and say what day you want to attend and the details will be sent in a reply close to the conference date.
We are targeting as wide an audience of club members as are willing to listen. Once we had Race Officer Training, but now we have a general conference which has everything race related.
Two zoom conference sessions are offered so as many as possible can gain the knowledge of our organisation. We expect one of the conference presentation times will suit most people and having two will share or halve the attendance load.
The EDYC club conference on race involvement will show how we conduct and manage races. Members will be very aware that we do things (largely) as we always have. There are no revolutionary changes but we do both improve and change parts from year to year.
The biggest past revolution was the move to NHC – a topic which we do not have time to cover in what is expected to be a half hour presentation with half an hour of follow up and questions. The Covid revolution influence was all flags up before starts.
We will not cover the race rules in any detail (eg boat on boat), however have to cover some issues in the race management rules. Your committee had a rehearsal – on Monday 28th attended only by club committee – the presentation and system have been tested.
The “EDYC club conference on race involvement” is aimed at introducing and revisiting all the things you can learn about club sail racing at EDYC.
Conference not to last more than one hour on Zoom.
We will not be recording the conference – while technically possible we prefer a follow up in person with officials, or reference to our Race Management Documents already on the web here – link.