A selection of EDYC AI’s and DI’s took the opportunity to be part in a pre-season RS Feva training programme hosted at Ballyholme Yacht Club (BYC) this weekend 25/26 March. Under the watchful eye of the Feva Association Performance Training Team; they sailed alongside eight other enthusiastic double handed teams from right across Northern Ireland.

Their aims were simple.
- to have fun, meet new friends and learn new skills.
- prepare for the RS Feva sailing season ahead!
- provide valuable coaching experience for our AI’s and DI’s on these RYA pathway boats.
Tim Rush and Graeme Rowe were the Lead Coaches, supported by Jakob from EDYC and Thomas from BYC. Together they fostered a fun learning environment for all sailors to build confidence in their skills.
On Saturday, the focus was rigging the boat, mast racking and working together to sail the course. The wind was light and came into the bay from the west making conditions shifty. They managed to get a few races in, and many got the chance to sail with spinnakers. On shore that evening, everyone was treated to some North Down hospitality with delicious homemade soup and pasta followed by tasty deserts for both sailors and coaches.

Photograph above shows our sailor sharpening their upwind skills.
Sunday brought wind from northeast and with an incoming tide, created a moderate sea state. Perfect sailing conditions for the fleet. They focused on downwind sailing and boat positioning skills. After lunch they headed out again for more downwind training and finished the afternoon by joining in with BYC’s icebreaker series.

The next opportunity to build skills together, will be RYA RS Feva Open Training at our own club, EDYC, on the 4th and 5th of April. You can book a place at the follow the link https://edyc.co.uk/2023/03/17/rs-feva-open-training-4-5-april-2023/ or email vicecommodore@edyc.co.uk for more details.