An Outboard Motor Storage Survey at EDYC is being undertaken commencing 20Nov24. Here are details. The pictures are of the old way we stored outboards and oars and we have already much improved our facilities and we want more improvements.

It is a simple survey and will link the stored outboard to as issued number easing identification. Full details are on posters within the shed and the numbers have already been issued. Correspondence to
The detail of the poster is now in the downloads section of our web site, should you wish to read it without visiting the shed. It would be reasonable to visit your stored equipment at least monthly- perhaps for insurance purposes, perhaps to turn it over (meaning to move the pistons), check the carb is drained etc.
Link to data collection table.
This survey is to help inform and manage the facility to the benefit of member
There has been a suggestion of a course on small outboard maintenance and an in-house course can be presented in the winter months – perhaps 2 hours (19:00 to 21:00) of a Wed evening. Let the club know if this would interest you.