L17 & Small Boats of EDYC Winter classroom training
Tuesday 18th March 2025, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Subject: Rigging and sail trim

The crew and helms of the L17s, and other small boats of EDYC gathered and enjoyed a good catch up, sharing winter tales and excited plans for the season ahead. After hot beverages and chocolate biscuits, Class Captain, Alan Jennings introduced the speaker of the evening, Richard Ramsay of Ramsay Sails. Richard imparted knowledge and led discussion of Leisure 17 Rigging, Sail design and trim. Discussion included basic fundamentals for the audience of owners of various small boats, with specific attention to the Leisure 17 set up.
Particular mention was made of the differences in shroud arrangements between the L17 and L17sl.
Masthead and fractional rigs were explained. Benefits of sail shape changes, applied forces of adjusted kicking straps and back stays, reduced heel from main sheet traveler adjustment, all made for enthusiastic discussion.
Pros and cons of symmetrical spinnakers and asymmetrical spinnakers (cruising chutes) stirred thoughts of Leisure 17s on the down wind leg of Wednesday night club racing.

The spring project lists, may have just grown!
A good turn out of 20 folk. Our Thanks to Richard Ramsay.
See you on May 3rd
for the Leisure 17 BIG WEEKEND.
Stephen Perry, L17 Class Secretary.