• December Prize Giving and AGM 2018

    The club prize giving took place on Sunday 2nd December. Members enjoyed mulled wine, mince tarts and shortbread as they assembled and reacquainted themselves.. The club was well attended and many new faces were noted within the winners. The more serious business of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) followed. There were several motions both from individual […]

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  • AGM 2nd Dec 18 Annual General Meeting

    Don’t forget the AGM Sunday 2nd December 2018 Members mail has issued with agenda etc.

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  • Will U be there at the members lunch ?

    In case you have missed recent emails,  the EDYC members lunch is coming up on this Sunday 18 November with an illustrated presentation by two lovely guys John Mongomery and John Magowan from the RNLI. It is not too late  to decide to come, contact Margie from whom a menu is available – we would […]

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  • Season’s Race Results hence race series prizes 2018

    The club is finalising the prize list for presentations at the AGM which is to be on Sunday 2nd December. We operate the racing as per our own Sailing Instructions utilising the software of HalSail to record the races. We operate some handicap classes – and use the NHC handicap system as per SIs. The […]

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  • Club busy at end Oct – 27/10/18

    The club was surprisingly busy on the last Saturday of October with a cruiser comming out and some dinghy sailing being undertaken. Others were tidying around the RIB sheds (possible project advance) and some were working on their own boats. The bright sunlight made up for the low temperatire and strong wind. The wind was […]

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  • EDYC Members’ Lunch Sunday 18 November 2018

          ​   The Members’ Lunch Sunday 18 November 2018 in the Clubhouse at 1.30pm  and afterwards John Montgomery and John Magowan from the RNLI will give an illustrated talk. To book a place please contact Margie NOW . All members and their guests are very welcome. TICKETS £20.OO TO INCLUDE THE THREE COURSE LUNCH ,  A GLASS […]

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  • Powerboat training at EDYC October 18

    RYA Level II Powerboat course report Oct 18 The RYA Level II Powerboat course on Sat and Sun 6 & 7 Oct 18 was excellent in that it had the best of both weather types. The Saturday was light winds with sun and the Sunday was overcast with wind force 5 to force 7 from […]

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  • Sailing Season moves to Storage Season Oct 18 EDYC

    Saturday 29th Sept  saw the last of the club races gain a small turnout. Traditionally called haul out day, perhaps few availed of the winch or tractor. Three cruisers, two dinghy I and two dinghy II competed in races in Holm Bay. Racing Results The Frostie Series at SLYC saw many EDYC boats such as […]

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  • First Storm of Autumn 18 – Flying Boats at EDYC

    The first storm of the autumn 18 blew in on Wednesday the 19th of September and resulted in several flying boats at East Down Yacht Club. Pictures taken on the morning show some of the boat movements but fail to capture the wind and water conditions with winds of over 30 knots showing regularily on […]

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  • Strangford Lough Racing Cruiser Association 16 Sept 18 at EDYC

    Strangford Lough Racing Cruiser Association was formed in 1973 by a group of like minded sailors to promote racing of cruising boats both inside the lough and offshore, and to encourage cooperation between clubs in the lough and co-ordination of racing. EDYC hosted a race on 16 September 2018: Photos of the event are in the gallery. Results are […]

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