• EDYC Club Calendar for 2024

    EDYC Club Calendar for 2024
    club calendar with duties ect

  • Work in progress EDYC 25 March 24

    Volunteer work is reported in the lead up to the new season

  • The approach to St Patrick’s day at EDYC March 24

    Several members enjoy an open water swim, plus we poin at local video expertise on this sport

  • Saturday Night Was Film Night 2 March 24

    On Saturday 2nd March at the club, 28 EDYC women attended a showing of the film Maiden.

  • Mark T recovered by lone Kayaker 1st Jan 24

    Mark T recovered by lone Kayaker 1st Jan 24 – plus some other club activity on New Year’s Day

  • New Deck Jan 2024 on the Committee Boat

    A new deck installation on the committee boat is completing Jan 2024. Further associated improvements and work on this is now ongoing. The cabin will be refitted.

  • EDYC Commodore’s Christmas Message Dec 23

    Christmas Message It was great to see so many members, old and new, at the club for the first post pandemic prize giving and AGM on the 4th December. It was also very encouraging to see so many young people in attendance. Photos of the prize winners can be found in the Gallery on the […]

  • Official Notice Board Icicle Series 24

    Official Notice Board Icicle Series 24 —- This is the official Notice Board of the Icicle Series of dinghy races at EDYC during Jan and Feb of 2024.
    Sun 11 Feb weather looking good

  • East Down Yacht Club Annual General Meeting and Prizegiving

    This year the 57th East Down Yacht Club Annual General Meeting and Prizegiving will return to the Clubhouse after 3 years on Zoom.

    The Prizegiving will commence at 2.30pm and the AGM will follow directly afterwards at 3.00pm. All members are very welcome and particularly so if you have joined the Club recently.

  • EDYC Icicle Dinghy Series 24

    EDYC Icicle Dinghy Series 24
    dinghy racing at EDYC