First Wed night sail/race on 1 May 2019
The first race of our Wednesday night series was in light winds and sunshine with many smiles and much sail rigging. The shed construction, the newly painted flagpole, adjusting moorings and the chevvy with a new to us engine are just some of the aspects featured in addition to normal sailing. Some 15 Photos Are […]
Youth Powerboating Course concludes at EDYC April 2019
For the second year youth powerboating has been provided pre-season for families at EDYC. This extends the season for club activity and involves families in our facilities use, plus brings hours of instruction into the collective knowledge base. Several of this year’s course already have the RYA level II Certificate, however have gained a further […]
Opening Day Saturday 27 April
Opening Day CANCELLED – Due to weather Quiz also off till later – next race – WED 1 May Opening Day Saturday 27 April Next -> Wednesday Night Racing commences 1 May 2019
Completed – Well done and thanks to all for your help ! Starting 9.30. – All members welcome, to prepare for the season start. Bring yard brushes, shovels, gloves, tools etc. Gardening, spades and hedging tools Anybody with pressure washer ? Mainly site work, limited work on club house. No work from us on the […]
David Ward, Sailing Committee member and Moorings Officer at EDYC has been awarded an RYA NI Outstanding Contribution to Sailing and Club Development Award at a ceremony on Friday (15 February) in Belfast. This is the result of the club Executive highlighting his contribution and is in addition to the award he received at our […]
RYA Safety Boat Training Course 23rd 24th March 2019 – completed
EDYC wants to run a Formal RYA Safety Boat Course (takes two days) and now requests candidates expressions of interest. We need a response of at least six potential candidates for the course. Briefly course content – Preparation, boat handling, dinghy rescue, windsurfer rescue, kayak or canoe rescue (can be covered as theory), towing, end-of-day […]
RYA Essential Navigation And Seamanship course April 2019
EDYC 6th and 7th April 2019 Saturday and Sunday. £150 for members, £180 for non members (includes temporary membership), A course pack will be provided (practice charts, almanac, course book, plotter etc). Course fees must be received at least two weeks before the course. The course to be run by Trevor Fisher of The Sailing […]
The UK Ship Register – Marine and Coastguard Agency
You can register your boat with the UK Ship Register for use at sea. There are several reasons for doing this and the web link below outlines the background. https://www.gov.uk/register-a-boat/the-uk-ship-register In relation to boats from members of EDYC we have an exemption from the Registration marking regulations which states that vessel’s Port of Registry must […]
Substantial Training completed at EDYC and more on offer. Jan 19
In the last week, Sat 19th, Sun 22nd and Wed 23rd Jan 19 several training courses were completed. Both the on site EDYC courses, one dealing with Diesel Engine maintenance and one dealing with First Aid ran successfully, with all passing and providing positive feedback on the course deliveries. The highest number of attendees was […]
Foundations poured
If it is not too much of a play with words, foundations have been laid marking a milestone in the RIB shed project. Wednesday’s calm weather allowed the work to be completed and means that a setting period follows within which no construction work will take place.