• EDYC Wayfarers AGM Feb 2020

    The Wayfarers’ AGM 2020 was held in the clubhouse on Wednesday 19th Feb at 7pm. It commenced with a choice of a meal with baked potatoes, followed by profiteroles, tea and coffee. It was well attended evidenced by the photo of the talk audience. Margie gave a talk on her recent tall ship cruise to […]

  • CLUB AGM AND PRIZEGIVING 1st December 2019

    The next club gathering for members is the Annual General Meeting which takes place this year on Sunday 1st December. This will take the usual format of a meet and greet over a glass or cup of something hot, and the presentation of prizes for the various racing series and other awards (commencing 2:30 pm), […]

  • EDYC Member’s Lunch Sun 20 Oct 19

    ‘We’re all still talking’ The Members’ Lunch Sunday 20 October 2019 in the Clubhouse at 1.30pm  ……….and afterwards Heather and John tell the story of the highs and lows of their 11,000 mile Atlantic circuit in 2018/19 with their children Laura and Peter. To book a place please contact Margie NOW or email edycsec@gmail.com TICKETS £20.OO TO INCLUDE […]

  • Commodores Cruise 25Aug19 Report

    The Commodore’s cruise departed the slipway/pontoon at 13:00 and boats met up at mark V North end of Holm Bay at 13:20 and travelled ENE past mark 5, North of Dunny Neil and gained the Eastern Shore from whence they travelled North to past Ringburr point and Round Island – some turning at mark 17. […]

  • EDYC Commodore’s Cruise 2019

    Sunday 25 August 2019 Please tell your friends, and bring them along! We meet at EDYC 12 noon, to depart at 1300, for a sail across Strangford Lough to a water based destination depending on weather, then back to EDYC. We plan to have a club rib or work boat in attendance. Barbeques will be […]

  • What’s on next at EDYC – Calendar

    Hopefully you all are reading the calendar as we move into the mid season part when Saturdays especially are not in a regular pattern, mainly due to events and regattas. Take Sat next (29nd June) when the Peel Race and cruise in company is on – see the calendar via this link and look what […]

  • Opening Day Saturday 27 April

      Opening Day CANCELLED – Due to weather Quiz also off till later – next race – WED 1 May Opening Day  Saturday 27 April Next -> Wednesday Night Racing commences 1 May 2019

  • EDYC Wayfarers’ Class AGM 6th Feb 2019.

    The Wayfarers’ class annual general  meeting was held on Wednesday 6th February at 7pm, at the clubhouse. The evening started with filled baked potatoes, finishing with Pavlova & Pofiterolles, so those that came hungry were well content ! Some 20 dinghy sailors attended and several expressed thanks for the organisation and food and many went on […]

  • December Prize Giving and AGM 2018

    The club prize giving took place on Sunday 2nd December. Members enjoyed mulled wine, mince tarts and shortbread as they assembled and reacquainted themselves.. The club was well attended and many new faces were noted within the winners. The more serious business of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) followed. There were several motions both from individual […]

  • AGM 2nd Dec 18 Annual General Meeting

    Don’t forget the AGM Sunday 2nd December 2018 Members mail has issued with agenda etc.