RYANI Covid 19 Guidance March 29th 2021

The club wishes members to be guided by the best and most recent advice from RYA Northern Ireland. This advice is available direct from their web site however a particular two page presentation was thought to be most easily read and understood.

Here is a link to the two pages these are in word (may be handled as a download)

Here is a link to a PDF version

Please read these pages carefully with emphasis on the EDYC site and activity.

If you have difficulty with the document you can go straight to the RYANI web site for a different layout of the same information.

Just a few notes are reproduced below for quick reference

Sailing events           Not permitted

Changing rooms      Closed, except for emergency access

Overnight Stays        No overnight stays

Facilities        Outdoor facilities access permitted.

Indoor facilities remain closed except for emergencies and limited access to toilet and storage facilities.

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