To be held on Sunday 3rd December 2023 commencing at 2.30pm. This will be followed by the AGM at 3:00 pm in the ground floor of the clubhouse.
The table below names the winners of the awards :-

This table is available in many formats should this picture be difficult to read on your IT device. It can also be explained by any member of the sailing committee and seen as a PDF table download – link
You know our results of races are handled by the race software called HAL and most competitors have viewed results through this system throughout the season – our results are still there and available thro this Link – Remember the system will open at the last race result you viewed and from there you can navigate to any result.
From the HAL system the winners are identified and the yellow portion of the table above shows the winners and the associated race series is listed below the boat name, eg Magdeleyne won the Cruiser I, Early Wed and Late Wed series. It has become our practice not to award two prizes when a boat wins thus but to award them with one and this year the Wayfarer of Mistral 2 is the supreme example of this as the boat won all the relevant classes and race series, but will get one prize.
In addition to the straight and direct race winning awards, we also seek to identify the best boat overall (Engraving yellow section) – best 12 races. EDYC also makes several awards by way of engraved silverware (green section) and these awards are shown in the Engraving section of the table above. In the table we also put a short insert recording some of the reasons for the award.
Hopefully this is understandable to racers and members, however please ask the sailing committee if you need any help. Our system is to be open and contestable, using the self policing approach which runs through our sport, thus if you see problems or difficulties you are welcome to raise them with the sailing committee, who are already planning next season which will have this core system carried forward.
Last year we spelt out the awards in a more textual manner – shown in
The club thanks our Results Officer David Hinds and assistants for their work and John Miller for his summation work at the end of season plus Gina Little & John for Trophy handling and engraving. Well done to all volunteers and we will welcome anyone wishing to help.