Timely Scottish News with a local connection – RYA Scotland
RYA Scotland say – “The 3rd of July will see a return to boating in Scotland as travel and overnight restrictions are eased. This is particularly special for one sailing couple.” The RYA Scotland WEB article is available here This cruising news article features our own EDYC past Sailing Captain and we all wish her […]
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EDYC Sail Training Summer 20
Sail Training at EDYC in the summer of 2020 will be taking a different format, which is being developed and planned to meet all RYA and Govt Covid-19 requirements., thus it is in an advancing state. We know there is demand there and that we have instructors willing to provide the training. This year we […]
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COVID-19 Update: As a club we require: · Adherence to the guidance of the NI Executive, including use of second homes, and in particular involving hand washing, social distance, avoiding shared hard surfaces, and self-isolation if symptomatic. If in doubt, stay at home. Currently, there is a limit of 6 people (with social distancing) meeting […]
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Chandlery Needs May 20
If you are looking for chandlery items during lockdown – Down Marine may be able to help. Email details of your requested items to sales@downmarine.com with your name and phone number and they should get back to you within a few days.
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Marine buoy on South Coast of Strangford Lough May 20 MINESTO MGS BUOY (MMSI: 992351267) is a Navigation Aid and is sailing under the flag of United Kingdom. Her length overall (LOA) is 12 meters and her width is 10 meters. She is currently on the south coast of Strangford Lough and those seeking fuller […]
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Update on e-sailing Virtual Regatta Sunday Evening
An update on e-sailing has been added to our downloads section. SUNDAY 26 APRIL, FROM1930HRS ON ‘VIRTUAL REGATTA INSHORE’FOR MORE INFO SEE DOWNLOAD PAGE ON –WWW. EDYC.CO.UK
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eSailing opportunities with EDYC April 2020
We have a fun opportunity to try eSailing from home without getting wet, free, and to perfect your race tactics, with eSailing through Virtual Regatta, at https://www.virtualregatta.com/en/ We are hosting EDYC racing on Wednesday nights and Sunday nights, starting 19:30hrs approx., with typically 5-8 races. Advice on the setup and conduct of this virtual racing […]
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EDYC Sailing Instructions 2020
We have released the 2020 Sailing Instructions which are available on the WEB site as a download. Abbreviated to SIs these are a necessary part of preparation for local club races often accompanied by a Notice of Race (NoR), but not yet! There are several changes from last year but none that I see as […]
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Covid – 19 and the club
We request that all members familiarise themselves with and adhere to the official guidance provided in relation to the current Covid-19 situation. This guidance can be found on: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus. And various news feeds. The Executive is communicating in detail with members by email. For this reason, please make sure we hold your latest email/contact details […]
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Covid-19 & EDYC early season (17 March 20)
Fellow members, Given the concerns and recent development of Coronavirus (COVID-19), EDYC would reassure you that we are taking steps to protect the Club and its members and visitors. The Executive have decided to postpone all club hosted events and courses scheduled to be held in March & April. Please accept that other measures may become necessary, […]
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