• Commodores Cruise 25Aug19 Report

    The Commodore’s cruise departed the slipway/pontoon at 13:00 and boats met up at mark V North end of Holm Bay at 13:20 and travelled ENE past mark 5, North of Dunny Neil and gained the Eastern Shore from whence they travelled North to past Ringburr point and Round Island – some turning at mark 17. […]

  • EDYC Commodore’s Cruise 2019

    Sunday 25 August 2019 Please tell your friends, and bring them along! We meet at EDYC 12 noon, to depart at 1300, for a sail across Strangford Lough to a water based destination depending on weather, then back to EDYC. We plan to have a club rib or work boat in attendance. Barbeques will be […]

  • EDYC need your late season training requests August 2019

    This year EDYC has conducted substantial training, see our history and plans via several web posts see – Substantial Training completed at EDYC and more on offer. Jan 19 plus http://edyc.co.uk/training/ We are now enquiring to see what training members request so we can plan further provision in the autumn and winter. Given the process […]


    Completed – Well done and thanks to all for your help ! Starting 9.30. – All members welcome, to prepare for the season start. Bring yard brushes, shovels, gloves, tools etc. Gardening, spades and hedging tools Anybody with pressure washer ? Mainly site work, limited work on club house. No work from us on the […]

  • Steel work erection March 2019 EDYC RIB/Winch shed

    RIB shed steel work erection commenced today Tue 5 March 2019 with the verticals being out in position – further work will complete the frame. The photo tells the story thus far.

  • The UK Ship Register – Marine and Coastguard Agency

    You can register your boat with the UK Ship Register for use at sea. There are several reasons for doing this and the web link below outlines the background. https://www.gov.uk/register-a-boat/the-uk-ship-register In relation to boats from members of EDYC we have an exemption from the Registration marking regulations which states that vessel’s Port of Registry must […]

  • EDYC opening day 50th Anniversary

    EDYC opening day – 50th Anniversary Special Event On Sat 28th April 2018 a small ceremony, a gathering and some speeches marked the club’s 50th Anniversary. Speeches from Margie and Frank entertained and amused the gathering and much club history both orally and in our exhibition is evident. During the gathering Wine and cheese was […]

  • Van Morrison – CONEY ISLAND Aug 2011

    Van Morrison – CONEY ISLAND This time of year is not full of local sailing announcements or news, so for a change some local music and pictures are being promoted. Sir George Ivan Morrison has celebrated the Co Down area many times in songs and has played at Killyleagh Castle and the link below takes […]

  • Sat and Sun 23/24 Sept at EDYC Haulout

    With strong wind on the Saturday (23th) and light wind on the Sunday, Saturday racing was cancelled and a group of about a dozen sea kayaks were the main traffic in the Dorn. Sunday (24th) with no wind, or light wind was a major haul out day and many co-operated in using the slip to […]

  • Five Boats Launch May day Bank Holiday EDYC

    Work and launches continue round the club. On 1st May some five boats launched from the slipway into the incoming tide. Some think this five is not possible with only one winch cable, however the photo shows it being achieved. The calm and sunny weather plus the hottest day of the year so far assisted […]