Wayfarers “Three Meals, Three Islands Challenge”. Saturday 19th August.
Wayfarers “Three Meals, Three Islands Challenge”. Hi everyone, A challenge has been suggested by one of our Wayfarers and I liked the sound of it so much that it will go ahead on Saturday 19th August. The challenge will be to make three meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner on three different islands around Strangford Lough over the course […]
Ladies Sailing and Powerboating at East Down Yacht Club EDYC enters a new phase.
Promoted as Divas in Fevas and run as a set of 3 women only training sessions at EDYC, led by a female Senior Instructor running over the three Sundays – 21st May, 28th May and 11th of June from 11am to 4:30pm. The course used dinghys and RIBs teaching participants how to sail or improve […]
EDYC Offshore Races the Race to Peel and the Race to Ardglass 2017
We are publishing today 30/4/17 changed dates for the two EDYC offshore races Sat 3rd June — Ardglass Race HW Belfast 07:03 BST Sat 16th September — Peel Race HW Belfast 08:33 BST The Peel and Ardglass race dates have been arranged to fit within the other Strangford Lough events and to have outgoing tides […]
OPENING DAY and nautical quiz night!
OPENING DAY and nautical quiz night ! with our own Quizmaster Trevor The quiz commences at 7.30pm Saturday 29th April All members and their guests welcome. Alfie will be serving bar snacks after sailing and meals from 6.30pm. £5 contribution per team to the RNLI. Normal series club racing will be held on the water in the afternoon […]
CLEAN UP DAY EDYC 22 April 2017
We have got the Club ready for the new season ………………. CLEAN UP DAY was Saturday 22 April 2017, from 9.30am EVERYONE was WELCOME ! and a new gallery of photos captures some of the work done see gallery section. FREE an excellent Lunch with Soup and Sandwiches was served from the Holm Bay Bar […]
The Drascombe Association AGM and Dinner was held in Belfast on Sat 25 March 2017
The Drascombe Association annual general meeting (AGM ) is usually held somewhere in England. However as the current chairman (John) is from Northern Ireland it was agreed to hold the event in Belfast for the first time. Thus the Drascombe Association AGM was held in Belfast City Hall on Saturday afternoon with a dinner in […]
BBC at EDYC weekend 25,26 March 17
BBC at the club weekend 25,26 March 17 – Busy But Cold – This is fake news as it is likely to be warming up again by Sat and Sun. The Topper squad will be here for the two days again (this is their third and last visit). There will also be a First Aid […]
First Aid Training – 25th March
Hi All EDYC is running a First Aid Course for Members on Saturday the 25th March, this is an excellent opportunity to learn some new skills or refresh some existing knowledge. It is important that we have first aid trained members in the club, and we hope to see a good response to the first course […]
High winds disrupt Topper Squad Training 11/12 Feb 17
Some 18 Topper sailors turned up for a squad weekend training session on 11/12 February 17 at EDYC. The sessions were disrupted by high winds with temperatures of 4 or 5 degrees centigrade.
A new photo gallery of 2016 activity added
An EDYC photo calendar of club activity in 2016 (monthly) has been added – some 30 slides. Please access via the Gallery tab in the page top above These were first shown at the AGM are now on our WEB site. They show a full range of the club work and activity in the 2016 […]