• Icicle Dinghy Series on Sun 23 Jan 22 EDYC

    LIGHT AIRS Though the forecast for our late Sunday series of the Icicle’s promised light airs (6-9Knts) with a cold snap, we went out! The hardy sailors left EDYC slip and headed for the start in Holme Bay. The first PY Fleet, ILCA 4’s, 6’s, and a 7 (Lasers), the Wayfarer, and the RS  400 […]

  • 2021 Wayfarer cruising week report EDYC

    Last summer 2021 Wayfarer cruising week report. Our club, EDYC, held a Wayfarer cruising week organised by John Miller during July 2021. This was reported to Wayfarers in general through the vehicle of the Wayfarer magazine, (https://wayfarer.org.uk/ ) with the article being written by John Miller. Photography was also attributed to John. There are five […]

  • Icicle Series Sun 9th Jan 22 report

    A posted change to the Sailing Instructions enabled us to have the opportunity of two races. Earlier we thought only one – having been caught between low water at 12:00 and sun set at 16:30 approx. The rest of the series should have two races a day – we think we have the tides. With […]

  • Icicle series SI amendment for 9 Jan 22

    Amendment no 1 to SIs Version 3 On page 1 delete the words “There will be one race scheduled for this day as sunset is at 16:19” The full table is available as PDF link here

  • EDYC Icicle Series Jan Feb 2022

    An icicle is a spike of ice formed when water falling from an object freezes. The EDYC Icicle Series is to be six Sundays in Jan and early Feb with starts near mid day but adjusted to suit the tide HW times. It is for dinghies – Dinghy Handicap 1134 under and Dinghy Handicap 1135 […]

  • Annual EDYC Cold Turkey Kayak and Sail Dec 2021

    It has become a tradition to sail and kayak the day after boxing day.   This year it was no different and even more welcome to get socializing in the open air with our friends at a time when so many of our friends are going for PCRs and some testing positive.  Our thoughts are with […]

  • 2021 Season Prizes

    The 2021 AGM is by Zoom. Our season prizes have been bought and engraved as follows. We eagerly await when we can all feel safe meeting indoors to have a prize giving.  Alternatively we may get an opportunity to have a prize giving in Bob’s Garden sometime early in the new season. PERPETUAL CUPS Wayfarer […]

  • The AGM of EDYC : 5th Dec 21

    ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING -ZOOM Sunday 5th December 2021 Dear Fellow Member, Due to the ongoing pandemic the Executive Committee will hold this years meeting virtually on Zoom software. The 55th East Down Yacht Club AGM will be held on Sunday 5th December at 2.30pm sharp. I would advise that this year there are two resolutions, […]

  • Last race Die Hard series Killyleagh 31 Oct 21

    After many windy Sundays of racing the last race of the Die Hard Dinghy series at Killyleagh Yacht Club on 31 Oct 21 had light or no wind. This meant that many sailors learnt more about the local tide currents in the KYC moorings. A standard windward leeward course was laid with windward being into […]

  • Our sailors at RYANI Youth Championships 2021

    RYANI Youth Championships and Schools Cup 2021 was held at Carrickfergus Sailing Club on 11th & 12th September. We had a great turn out from EDYC junior sailors this past weekend.   Over 130 dinghy sailors from all over Ireland took part in the event hosted Carrickfergus sailing club with shifting winds.  Congratulations  to  all […]