eSailing opportunities with EDYC April 2020
We have a fun opportunity to try eSailing from home without getting wet, free, and to perfect your race tactics, with eSailing through Virtual Regatta, at https://www.virtualregatta.com/en/ We are hosting EDYC racing on Wednesday nights and Sunday nights, starting 19:30hrs approx., with typically 5-8 races. Advice on the setup and conduct of this virtual racing […]
EDYC Sailing Instructions 2020
We have released the 2020 Sailing Instructions which are available on the WEB site as a download. Abbreviated to SIs these are a necessary part of preparation for local club races often accompanied by a Notice of Race (NoR), but not yet! There are several changes from last year but none that I see as […]
Covid – 19 and the club
We request that all members familiarise themselves with and adhere to the official guidance provided in relation to the current Covid-19 situation. This guidance can be found on: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus. And various news feeds. The Executive is communicating in detail with members by email. For this reason, please make sure we hold your latest email/contact details […]
Covid-19 & EDYC early season (17 March 20)
Fellow members, Given the concerns and recent development of Coronavirus (COVID-19), EDYC would reassure you that we are taking steps to protect the Club and its members and visitors. The Executive have decided to postpone all club hosted events and courses scheduled to be held in March & April. Please accept that other measures may become necessary, […]
Maroon Stars Initiative EDYC
EDYC has run a training programme under the heading Dinghy Duck. Following extensive consultation and a logo competition the club has commenced a new brand of training called Maroon Stars. Very soon we hope that EDYC will be surrounded by a growing number of maroon stars. All training will encompass this new brand. Dinghy Ducks […]
RYA Safety Boat Course Spring 2020
Due to Covid-19 reasons explained elsewhere – this Safety Boat Course is CANCELLED. EDYC wants to run a Formal RYA Safety Boat Course (takes two days) and now requests expressions of interest. Most likely date 18/19 April 2020 We prefer a response of at least six candidates for the course, but may run with four. […]
EDYC Wayfarers AGM Feb 2020
The Wayfarers’ AGM 2020 was held in the clubhouse on Wednesday 19th Feb at 7pm. It commenced with a choice of a meal with baked potatoes, followed by profiteroles, tea and coffee. It was well attended evidenced by the photo of the talk audience. Margie gave a talk on her recent tall ship cruise to […]
Sailing Instructions for 2020 season – possible changes ?
Two suggested changes (or more) are in discussion and will be deceided before the 2020 handbook goes to print. They are – make the “time limit” a definite cut off and introduce a cruiser restricted sail class, starting with cruiser II These changes are not for the inexperienced to consider and any consideration will be […]
RYANI Annual Awards 2019
RYA Northern Ireland Annual Awards were distributed on Friday 17th January 2020. The following two EDYC members were mominated for Volunteer of the Year. Some eleven nominations were made overall within NI for Volunteer of the Year classification and at an evening reception the nominations received framed certificates from Richard Honeyford, Chief Operating Officer of […]
RYA First Aid Course Sun 19 Jan 2020 at EDYC
The club will start the new year’s training programme by hosting an RYA First Aid course on Sunday 19 Jan 2020. The course syllabus is appropriate to water based activities and it assists in qualifying for several requirements within the RYA system such as Instructor and safety boat driver. The certificate for First Aid must […]