• Some simple rules at EDYC

    In the midst of our summer sailing activity it seems appropriate to highlight some simple rules, well you could highlight our complete rules but they are lengthy. (That was the link to them just given.) Thinking during the dry weather – it was a perfect time for people to name their mooring buoy with their […]

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  • Killyleagh Yacht Club Regatta 17 July 2021

    Some pictures via this link http://edyc.co.uk/gallery/killyleagh-regatta-16-july-21/

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  • Boat cruise holiday week EDYC July 21

    Members Holiday Week at EDYC  – Sunday  18th July 2021 to Saturday 24th July. 2021 Suited to Cruising Dinghies, Leisure 17s and Drascombes with competent helms and crew. Day Activity High Tide unless specified Saturday 17th  Killyleagh Regatta   1925 Sunday 18th Leave EDYC 1000 make our way North to Mid Island to arrive at […]

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  • Playpark renewal June 21

    Well it’s finished and the customers love it. I’m talking about the children’s new climbing frame in the playpark. With swings a climbing wall, picnic table and fireman’s pole it’s got everything your child will enjoy!  At last weekend’s mid summer BBQ nine children were spotted playing together on it. One shouted out “this is […]

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  • Quoile Yacht Club regatta results 16 June 2021

    East Down boats did well in the Quoile Yacht Club regatta, with the Reids taking the large dinghy prize – the class included 2 rs400 & a 29er. An excellet write up giving results is available via this link to the Down Recorder many thanks for this. Further class winners are listed therein with several […]

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  • Midsummer BBQ and Drascombe Event 19th June 21

    BBQ SATURDAY 19 JUNE 2021 – A Welcome return This Friday through to Sunday marks another step towards normality Luggers,Dabbers,Coasters and Drifters all types of Drascombes They will be joining us once again to help us celebrate the mid-summer BBQ  Our club has been hosting the event at Strangford for nearly 15 years, we are glad […]

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  • Youth Training returns 4/5/6 June 21

    EDYC RYA Seamanship skills – 2 day course £60 Aim: improving technical sailing ability. The emphasis was on increasing self-reliance and decision-making by spending time developing boat handling and manoeuvring skills in a seamanlike manner. Key learning points: coming alongside, man overboard and reefing afloat. Sailing challenges in: adverse conditions Without a rudder Without a […]

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  • Wed night racing is back ! 26 May 21

    Wed night racing is back at EDYC with a promising turnout on the first evening. With minimum clubhouse facilities, the on the water activity was absolutely brilliant. Light winds meant that the RO had a critical decision and Cruiser I were given a course of 11, 5, V and fortunately the wind strength held enabling […]

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    Training and Training Week EDYC

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  • EDYC Race season starting steps May 21

    First club events – a soft start to the race season. Start sequence rehearsal for racers and ROs Sat 15th May – Roy is taking this session as Principal RO on the Committee Boat Wed 19th May – another RO gets us away First start as per our normal race timings. We plan four starts […]

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