• EDYC Prize giving 18 June 22 – Pictures

    EDYC Prize giving 18 June 22

  • Midsummer BBQ plus Drascombe Event Sat 18 June

    Midsummer BBQ – SAT 18 JUNE 2022 and Drascombe Event (weekend) A warm welcome to all members and guests. This Friday through to Sunday marks the continuation of our relationship with Luggers, Dabbers, Coasters and Drifters – all types of Drascombes which will be seen sailing at EDYC. We are expecting over 24 boats and about […]

  • Discover Sailing: EDYC tasters Sat 25 June, before racing.

    Discover Sailing: EDYC tasters Sat 25 June, morning and before racing. On the day (10:00 to 12:00) our club members will help by: offering taster sessions on their dinghies or keelboats (other offers welcome also!) offering to assist on the day with hospitality, club tours, helping people on/off boats etc. encouraging friends and potential new […]

  • EDYC Prize giving 18 June 22 at the Mid-Summer BBQ

    EDYC Prize giving 18 June 22 at the Mid-Summer BBQ The prizes for the last two years have not been delivered to the winners. Covid meant that our AGMs did not take place physically but were via Zoom. At the mid-summer BBQ onĀ  Sat 18th June at approximately 21:00 the prizes for the last two […]

  • Open Canoe Sailing Group (OCSG) report on visit to EDYC June 22

    A report on the Open Canoe Sailing Group visit to EDYC East Down Yacht Club June 22

  • Open Canoe Sailing Group (OCSG) at EDYC June 22

    The Open Canoe Sailing Group (OCSG) is sailing from EDYC from Sunday 29th May, through till Saturday 4th June. There is an open invitation for club members to view and try various sailing canoes, on the evening of Tue 31st May from 7pm. (LW 21:34). Dingy sailing gear required and your own bouyancy aids. OCSG […]

  • Clean up day – Thanks

    Thanks to all who helped in any way with the clean clean up day. There was excellent support and a lot of work was accomplished. Coffee break and lunch were provided. The club and site are in much better consition for the start of the season. Some suggest that over 50 attended, but no one […]

  • Bob’s Garden project completed March 22

    The awning and furniture involved with the upgrade of Bob’s garden are now in situ and the gravel flooring has been improved. Looking forward to summer evenings spent in the garden Painting of the clubhouse exterior is one of the next planned steps

  • Canoe/Kayak trip guidance at EDYC

    Canoe Kayak advice

  • Wayfarer Cruising Trophy

    Wayfarer Cruising Trophy and Cruise Plans Feb 22

    Wayfarer cruisning information and trophy award.