• Ardglass Race Results 2020

    Facebook already carries the results – 7 IRC yachts attended- 12 NHC yachts attended – Two PDF files on this site have the race results IRC available via this link NHC available via this link Thanks to all the competitors and organisers for making this race happen.

  • EDYC Ardglass Race 12th September 2020 NoR & SIs

    The Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions for the 2020 Ardglass Race run by EDYC are now available from the downloads section of this web site. Start sequences commence at 13:00 hours local time. Please comply with all Covid-19 recommendations. This is a link to the NoR Sailing Instructions for the 2020 Ardglass Race run […]

  • EDYC Regatta Cancellation 2020

    We are disappointed that we cannot welcome you all to an EDYC Regatta on 22 August 2020, and the youth event the following day. This has been a challenging year for everyone and we hope you will understand that sailing as shown in this picture from 2018, is not advisable at present. We look forward […]

  • 22 Aug – Topper Traveller BHYC

    Topper Traveller – 22nd August 2020 Ballyholme Yacht Club in association with Topper Ireland are delighted to be hosting a Topper Traveller on Saturday 22nd August. Full Entry Fee: £25 ENTRIES WILL CLOSE FRIDAY 21st AUGUST @ 1800 hrs Enter on-line only see below Please read the Event Covid Guidelines here CLICK HERE FOR NOR […]

  • EDYC 2020 Club Race Series

    A series of club races is to be organised for Wednesdays evenings. 12, 19, 26 August and 2, 9 September. Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions are in the downloads section Racing courses (downloads section) are to be as in 2019 with potentially AF being common. Each week, the RO will be a volunteer – […]

  • Update on e-sailing Virtual Regatta Sunday Evening

    An update on e-sailing has been added to our downloads section. SUNDAY 26 APRIL, FROM1930HRS ON ‘VIRTUAL REGATTA INSHORE’FOR MORE INFO SEE DOWNLOAD PAGE ON –WWW. EDYC.CO.UK

  • Covid-19 & EDYC early season (17 March 20)

    Fellow members, Given the concerns and recent development of Coronavirus (COVID-19),  EDYC would reassure you that we are taking steps to protect the Club and its members and visitors. The Executive have decided to postpone all club hosted events and courses scheduled to be held in March & April. Please accept that other measures may become necessary, […]

  • Ardglass Race Sat 7th Sept 2019 – Results /Report

    The 2019 Ardglass race took place on Sat 7th in light winds and sunlight. Predicted winds were 10 knots from a northerly directon. Thanks go to the race team shown in the lead photo. Classes were sent from the normal EDYC committee boat, North to mark 5 and thence out of the Lough, outside Patrick’s […]

  • Ardglass Race Sat 7th Sept 2019 – Sailing Instructions

    Sailing Instructions for the Ardglass Race are available via this link Full race detail is contained in these including contact points within the club.

  • Commodores Cruise 25Aug19 Report

    The Commodore’s cruise departed the slipway/pontoon at 13:00 and boats met up at mark V North end of Holm Bay at 13:20 and travelled ENE past mark 5, North of Dunny Neil and gained the Eastern Shore from whence they travelled North to past Ringburr point and Round Island – some turning at mark 17. […]