• Pontoon bridge winter service Nov 20

    The EDYC pontoon bridge has been moved ashore for its winter service, which involves removing and replacing the wooden walkway planking and welding some cracks in the aluminium structure. The seaward end of the walkway is now closed with a barrier. Stay safe. Work will be on-going for some months to get the best long […]

  • December 2020 AGM

    NOTICE of ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING  Sunday 6th December 2020 at 14:30 Dear Fellow Member, Due to the ongoing government restrictions we are unable to hold our AGM in the clubhouse. However, we will run the meeting virtually on Zoom. The 54th East Down Yacht Club AGM will be held on Sunday 6th December at 2.30pm sharp. I would advise […]

  • Kayak paddle 7 Nov 20 EDYC

    A group of kayak paddlers started on Saturday 7 Nov from the club and headed North in the dorn.

  • November 20 starts at EDYC – detail

    November 2020 starts at EDYC (with a rainbow over Taggart Island looking North outside the club ) and progress into winter is being made. All but three yachts have been trailered to the hard standing and the Chevvy is out of the water. The last of the club racing marks have been lifted from the […]

  • Chevy back in service – repaired

    The workhorse chevy (blue club boat) has sustained some gearbox damage while attending service work on a mooring, but has had a gearbox change and is back in service. PLEASE USE WITH CARE – continue to ensure all is seaworthy. Thanks to the very small team who undertook this work with impressive speed and adaptations. […]

  • EDYC 2020 Club Race Series

    A series of club races is to be organised for Wednesdays evenings. 12, 19, 26 August and 2, 9 September. Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions are in the downloads section Racing courses (downloads section) are to be as in 2019 with potentially AF being common. Each week, the RO will be a volunteer – […]

  • COVID-19 update 27 July 20

    Of course this COVID-19 update of 27 July 20 relates to boating and our EDYC club and we are endebted to RYA NI for their work in the collation and preparation of the notes which are being signposted by this link. The link above takes you to a six page word document. Many sources exist […]

  • Recreation ! in late July

    Club recreational activty occurred on Wed night 22nd July and was as never before. It attracted small numbers of enthusiasts. Just a few shots of one group of boats – other groups were present including Wayfarers (Cruiser, L17 and Laser) but camera feedback has not been received. Outside showering is now provided. Including natural showers.

  • EDYC Training Summer 2020

    In the unprecidented circumstances we are all experiencing, EDYC is offering sail training this summer 2020. The club requires indications of what training will be taken up and hence what training to offer. In collecting this information we are enlisting survey monkey to structure a small questionnaire, which can be rapidly analysed in bulk and […]

  • Timely Scottish News with a local connection – RYA Scotland

    RYA Scotland say – “The 3rd of July will see a return to boating in Scotland as travel and overnight restrictions are eased. This is particularly special for one sailing couple.” The RYA Scotland WEB article is available here This cruising news article features our own EDYC past Sailing Captain and we all wish her […]