• Late Nov 22 EDYC News

    EDYC members news in Nov 22 dealing with teh AGM, pontoon repairs and a completed First Aid course.

  • Day of the crane Sat 12 Nov 22 EDYC

    Saturday 12th Nov had an early start for those wanting crane operations. From 08:30 the crane was active completing some four mast lifts, two boat lifts and one engine removal lift. All were accomplished in excellent time and stressed owners were able to have a relaxed lunch and spend the rest of the day attending […]

  • Early Nov 22 News at EDYC

    The storm on Wed 02/11/22 had a Southerly wind of 31 knots gusting to 51 knots and heavy rain at around noon and staying strong for the rest of day. The club pontoon has been damaged. A mooring chain has worn through and come adrift. The pontoon has swung to the North and the walkway […]

  • SAFETY at EDYC Oct 22

    We have had two major incidents at the club within the last two weeks. Those involved were competently assisted. It is important that no-one at the club is left short of help or facilities. Everyone should have safety at the top of their considerations, plus a knowledge of what to do if things go wrong. […]

  • Winter club projects Oct 22

    Seeking members ideas for improvement projects in the winter of 2022/23

  • Powerboat LII experience and coaching morning 22 Oct 22

    Powerboat LII experience and coaching morning 22 Oct 22 Sat 22 Oct 10:00 to lunchtime Fee – price of two litres petrol at current market prices in cash (circa £3.60 each) We are running an experience and coaching morning for members on Saturday 22nd Oct at 10:00 when power boat instructors will be available to […]

  • Requesting members to complete this survey Oct 22

    A members survey about the EDYC future ?

  • EDYC Family and Friends Halloween Party Oct 22

    A Halloween Party for members, families and friends at the Yacht Club Fri 28th Oct 22

  • EDYC RYA Training Update Oct 22

    EDYC RYA Training Update 4 Oct 22 Our arrangements for the RYA First Aid Course on 19 Nov have been made and the course has sufficient interest to likely fill and have a short waiting list. This is the second First Aid course the club has run this year. The RYA Day Skipper course is […]

  • EDYC prizes The Silverware awards in 2022 (Oct)

    Cups and prizes awards for 2022 season