• POST – Pre season Club Conference 28 April 2021

    We had a club conference – Including “what you must know to race at EDYC” on Wednesday 28th April at 19:30 Zoom One verbal answer relating to change of course was incorrect – here is the correct answer- Rule 33 Changing (the next leg of) the course The signal shall be the display of the […]

  • Pre season Club Conference 28 April 2021

    Including what you must know to race at EDYC Wednesday 28th April at 19:30 Zoom Covers:- Basics Boat names, sail numbers Handicap systems IRC and NHC Plus one design classes, L17, W and Impala Race organisation inc calendar The volunteer team Safety – club rules Starts and flags RO guide booklet – work through Covid […]

  • promotional shot

    Adrian Dunbar’s programme Coastal Ireland channel 5

    A two part TV series starring Adrian Dunbar as he visits some of Ireland’s rugged coastline, has already commenced and if you missed the first part last Thursday it is available on catch up. It is well worth a watch! The first part aired on Channel 5, 8pm on February 4th and is now available […]

  • EDYC Impala Fleet Dec 20

    EDYC’s Impala fleet is quickly becoming the talk and envy of both the local sailing fraternity and indeed further afield also. There are very few ‘one design’ cruiser fleets still racing competitively in Strangford Lough or in Belfast Lough. The EDYC burgeoning fleet of 9 Impalas is attracting quite some interest. The Impala 28 was […]

  • 2020 Season Prizes EDYC

    Normally it is at the AGM that prizes are distributed, however this year many things are not normal. Winners get some of the club silverware for just one year’s retention and a keepsake to retain We have the silverware engraved and the keepsake this year is an exceptional mug. The prizes for each of the […]

  • Changes from the Racing Rules of Sailing applied at EDYC in 2021

    The RRS Racing Rules of Sailing are essential and will be updated at the year end and will cascade into use at EDYC.

  • Last race of Sept 20

    This post was to be on the last race of the season, however perhaps there may be more dinghy or other races. Sat 26th Sept saw the scheduled final race of the Impala series. Four of our six Impalas turned out and competed in what is a well matched class race. However is it skill […]

  • Ardglass Race Results 2020

    Facebook already carries the results – 7 IRC yachts attended- 12 NHC yachts attended – Two PDF files on this site have the race results IRC available via this link NHC available via this link Thanks to all the competitors and organisers for making this race happen.

  • EDYC Ardglass Race 12th September 2020 NoR & SIs

    The Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions for the 2020 Ardglass Race run by EDYC are now available from the downloads section of this web site. Start sequences commence at 13:00 hours local time. Please comply with all Covid-19 recommendations. This is a link to the NoR Sailing Instructions for the 2020 Ardglass Race run […]

  • EDYC Regatta Cancellation 2020

    We are disappointed that we cannot welcome you all to an EDYC Regatta on 22 August 2020, and the youth event the following day. This has been a challenging year for everyone and we hope you will understand that sailing as shown in this picture from 2018, is not advisable at present. We look forward […]