• Changes from the Racing Rules of Sailing applied at EDYC in 2021

    The RRS Racing Rules of Sailing are essential and will be updated at the year end and will cascade into use at EDYC.

  • EDYC Training Summer 2020

    In the unprecidented circumstances we are all experiencing, EDYC is offering sail training this summer 2020. The club requires indications of what training will be taken up and hence what training to offer. In collecting this information we are enlisting survey monkey to structure a small questionnaire, which can be rapidly analysed in bulk and […]

  • EDYC Sail Training Summer 20

    Sail Training at EDYC in the summer of 2020 will be taking a different format, which is being developed and planned to meet all RYA and Govt Covid-19 requirements., thus it is in an advancing state. We know there is demand there and that we have instructors willing to provide the training. This year we […]

  • Covid-19 & EDYC early season (17 March 20)

    Fellow members, Given the concerns and recent development of Coronavirus (COVID-19),  EDYC would reassure you that we are taking steps to protect the Club and its members and visitors. The Executive have decided to postpone all club hosted events and courses scheduled to be held in March & April. Please accept that other measures may become necessary, […]

  • Youth Powerboat Training EDYC 2020 March & April – CANCELLED – Covid-19

    Due to Covid-19 reasons explained elsewhere – this Youth Powerboat Training is CANCELLED. Dates Fri 20 March 2020 Fri 27 March 2020 Fri 3 April 2020 Fri 10 April 2020 Fri 17 April 2020 Fri 24 April 2020 Sunday 3 May 2020 competition. Times – evenings 18:30 to 20:30 We will anticipate a spread of […]

  • Maroon Stars Initiative EDYC

    EDYC has run a training programme under the heading Dinghy Duck. Following extensive consultation and a logo competition the club has commenced a new brand of training called Maroon Stars. Very soon we hope that EDYC will be surrounded by a growing number of maroon stars. All training will encompass this new brand. Dinghy Ducks […]

  • RYA Safety Boat Course Spring 2020

    Due to Covid-19 reasons explained elsewhere – this Safety Boat Course is CANCELLED. EDYC wants to run a Formal RYA Safety Boat Course (takes two days) and now requests expressions of interest. Most likely date 18/19 April 2020 We prefer a response of at least six candidates for the course, but may run with four. […]

  • AED usage

    RYA First Aid Course Completed at EDYC Jan 20

    A comprehensive first aid course along the RYA syllabus was delivered at EDYC covering all the necessary effective emergency treatment of a casualty before transfer to professional help. With special attention given to boat, club and water related scenarios. It covered the use of a defibrillator(AED) such as the one at the club house door […]

  • RYA First Aid Course Sun 19 Jan 2020 at EDYC

    The club will start the new year’s training programme by hosting an RYA First Aid course on Sunday 19 Jan 2020. The course syllabus is appropriate to water based activities and it assists in qualifying  for several requirements within the RYA system such as Instructor and safety boat driver. The certificate for First Aid must […]

  • EDYC Sailing News Nov 2019

    Sailing Instructions for 2020 – change discussion Suggested a new cruiser class – Restricted Sail (RS) This class will start with CII and will not use spinnakers. Mid- fleet prizes to be discontinued. This reflects that the fleets are small in number and mid fleet may be re-introduced if fleet numbers rise. Racing prizes will […]