• Skiffie Worlds 2016 – 24th to 30th July

    A major rowing event named the Skiffie Worlds 2016 is being held within Strangford Lough. It takes place from 24th July to 30th July 2016. The rowing courses are in the Quoile Estuary (referenced on the Admiralty chart 2156 as Quoile River), with a NE corner close to Moore’s Point. The course is overlooked by […]

  • Sat 2 July Peel Race for cruisers – & within lough activity for remainder

    Here are quick links to the Peel Race Details  – Note – the SIs enable an upwind turn mark to be used within the lough, if required. PEEL FLAGS AND COURSE BOARD CRIB SHEET for 2 July 16 We remind helms/skippers to use Channel 37 and to take their own finish time (- preferably from […]

  • Photos/Results/Video of the GP14 Ulsters Event

    We have photos of the GP14 Ulster Championship Event 25, 26 June 2016 – loaded into a new Gallery on this site. Access through the Gallery tab on the header. Also – some photos on our facebook page We also have a video – on Youtube Published on Jun 26, 2016 Shane McCarthy & Damian […]

  • EDYC Calendar improvements announced 21 June 2016

    No points racing on Saturday 25th June ie ES3 not on that day – Due to the GP14 event – upon which we will concentrate our efforts   2nd July is the Peel Race Those left behind (especially dinghies) will perhaps organise activity or possibly run and compete in a Saturday race (ES3) which is […]

  • GP14 Ulsters information – SIs released plus more

    The GP14 SIs – Sailing Instructions are available via our downloads section or via this link GP14 Ulsters Sailing Instructions This event makes our big summer weekend (25/26th June) at the club – camping is plentiful and available on a drained, level and cut site ! Many GP14s will remember their visit to EDYC for […]

  • EDYC Jetty Repairs in Progress

    EDYC Jetty Repairs in Progress EDYC Jetty Repairs 2016   Of all of our Club’s assets at Moymore, the pontoons and the access jetty are amongst the most critical to our member’s enjoyment of their sailing experience on Strangford Lough. The pontoons and bridge receive annual attention in terms of inspection/replacement of chains and less […]

  • Regatta at Newtownards Sailing Club 4 June 2016

    Newtownards Sailing Club Regatta 4 June 2016 – has been written up as an EVENT on this site – First Race 13.30 High Water 12.12 We hope you will support the event – no club race has been scheduled at EDYC – – the link below will take you to the write up, through which […]

  • Power Boat RYA Level II + RYA Safety Boat Training Courses

    Our club needs trained and qualified Power Boat drivers and safety boat helms. They provide us with assistance at our dinghy events and other club activity. The power boat qualifications involve experience and instruction in driving our RIBS and Chevvy. They enable the candidate to have a confident approach to power boat handling in these […]

  • Questionnaire Results

    At the beginning of June the Club ran a Questionnaire, we had a great response to this and many thanks to all who took the time to complete it. Last night we conducted a draw from the names of people who submitted a completed survey and a massive congratulations to Michael Petticrew who was the […]

  • Mid Summer BBQ, GP14 Ulsters, Drascombe Rally 25/26 June 16

    GP sailors may want – GP14 Ulsters NoR and the SIs – which are on this web site – Under Events – 26 June – link below http://edyc.co.uk/event/gp14-ulsters-ulster-championship-2526-june-2016/?event_date=2016-06-25 This will be our big summer weekend at the club – camping is plentiful and available on a drained, level and cut site ! Many GP14s will […]